What the Night Whispers intro nosex

From the imagination of Chase Shivers

September 11, 2015

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Chapter 0: Author's Introduction to What the Night Whispers

What the Night Whispers is about Penelope,a divorced mother of a fifteen-year old son, Dexter, and fourteen-year old daughter, Kira. Beyond her family, she has little more than her job, but for many years that had been enough. She discovers secrets her children have hidden from her, and when her own secrets are brought back to her from an unfathomable source, she faces questions of sanity, pleasure, guilt, and incest.

If you, the reader, are unwilling or unable to read about teen sexuality, adult-female / teen female /teen male sexual activities, incest, or other controversial and difficult concepts, or you don't feel you wish to challenge some of your thoughts on these subjects, please read no further: You likely won't enjoy this story and there are thousands upon thousands of other stories out there which contain subject matter you'll enjoy much more.

Still here? Great! As the author of these stories, I want to reinforce to the reader that this is all fantasy. Many of the negative and otherwise damaging consequences of the acts herein are never encountered by the characters as they would be in reality (though this story does incorporate some of those realist effects.) I generally enjoy reading, and writing, stories where people struggle with complex choices and debate ethics and morality in a sexual context, and eventually come to enjoy and embrace their decisions.

This is my first attempt to include paranormal elements in a story. While I heavily-seeded the series My Jewish Princess with fantasy/magical elements, What the Night Whispers is my virgin step into something more on the paranormal side. This is a deeply-incestuous story and the narrative is used only to progress the sex scenes and the struggles the main character goes through. It moves fairly rapidly, unlike many of my series, and sweeps the characters up into the intimate moments in the first few chapters. Additionally, unlike my other stories, the chapters in this series have no titles. That is intentional.

I have an end point planned for this series (hoping to keep it under 20 chapters), but the setting, I think, lends itself to a parallel stand-alone tale or to follow-on from this story's ending.

End of Author's Introduction to What the Night Whispers

Read Chapter 1